Monday, 28 May 2007

And the Mardi Gras Spirit Continues :o)

It's amazing how something small can totally make your day, isn't it?!

Back in March I had one of the most amazing and memorable nights of my life - Mardi Gras 2007.... here's the full run down.

Anywho, while we were dancing along to... umm, the freemasons I think... Kendall started chatting to a couple of really lovely guys, Chris and Paul, who ended up telling us their inspirational story of love. I actually mentioned them in the afformentioned post!

I'm a little vague on the details (mainly cause I was incredibly maggot at the time!) but from what I can remember, the guys met over the net, one from London and one from Belgium. Paul had a family and kids... but after he met Chris, they fell in love and Paul made a massive decision to up and leave everything he knew to follow his heart.

He moved countries, cultures, left behind his old life... even had to learn a new language. Kendall and I were bemused. "Why would you wanna do that?" was the general theme of what we were saying back to them.
Paul answered simply "Sometimes, you've just gotta do what you've gotta do for love"

So after a bit more of a dance with the guys, Kendall and i got a pic with them (on their camera) and then we went off on our merry ways... thinking we'd prob never hear from each other again.

But this morning, I was lucky enough to open my inbox and find this:

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Lammens
Sent: Sunday, 27 May 2007 18:47
To: Tim Millgate
Subject: promised Belgian pic taken on Mardi Gras ;-)

as promised loooong time ago here it is
u probably thought it would never come ;-)

lots of greetz from Belgium

Paul and Chris


you give me a sign when received, that would please me

That's Paul, Kendall, Me and Chris.

So Paul and Chris, thanks so much for your email!! It was an aboslute pleasure to meet you both. Kendall and I are both sooooo touched that you remembered to send us that pic after all this time. It's totally made our day!

Tim x

*PS appologies for the creative licence that's been taken in the retelling of this story! It was aaaaaaages ago remember?! hehe

Sunday, 27 May 2007


Thanks to Coopes for this one.

I wonder if it comes in different sizes depending on whether you have a 4G or 20G iPOD?


Thursday, 3 May 2007

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

A Present for Moaney and Grenny

Feel free to leave your own caption in the comments section!