Your exuberant life was cut short, with no thanks to drunk Angus.
Your passion for keeping the sun from Angus eyes will not be forgotten.
Rest In Peace.
Once Upon a time there was a poofy little trashbag who decided to air his dirty laundry via the internet. Below is his story *xylophone noise* please turn the page...
Shattered. Just shattered.
Me, that is,, not the transitions. Though my guess is, if they were lost due to Angus's drinking, they probably are shattered somewhere, under some uber-cool londoner's well-clad foot.
Ahh RIP indeed.
I found a particularly poignant quote appropriate for this sad, sad time:
"Not in his goals, but in his transitions is a man great"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Deep, man.
I guess Angus needs to embrace the transition by buying some new transitions.
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