Sunday, 8 July 2007


Ummm... how fricken awesome is live earth? In between working, attending my Uncle's AWESOME 50th b'day party & being as hungover as a mofo I've been listening to the Concerts in Sydney and accross the world... Thanks AUSTEREO!!

People power is so SO phenomenal. Combine that with ACE Music (could the international and local lineups been any better??!!) and a good cause and you've got the receipe for some inspirational times. I've been getting teary listening to the broadcasts... Its given me hope that WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

I just wanted to post the below words from the green generation link above. Without Al Gore the world wouldn't have been kicked into gear... and how exciting that the Celebrations started off in Sydney. I wish I could have gone, but by listening and (most importantly) changing the way I live my life, I feel like I've had a part of this history making event.

Speaking via a video link-up at the Australian event's official launch at
Aussie Stadium, Live Earth co-chair Al Gore said, "The climate crisis is a
global problem that requires a global response. That's exactly what Live Earth
is. On 7/7/07, Live Earth will touch over two billion people with 24 hours of
live music across seven continents and an urgent, hopeful message to trigger a
worldwide movement to combat the climate crisis. This movement begins here at
Aussie Stadium."

Watch Al Gore's full Live Earth Australia message.

"Live Earth Australia will kick off 24 hours of music spanning all seven
continents to focus the world against global warming," said Lily Sobhani, Live
Earth's Global Head of Events at the Australian announcement. "Over 100
headlining artists ranging from Madonna to The Police to Wolfmother, all of whom are donating their time to perform at the concerts, will inspire an audience of
over two billion people. Live Earth is designed to trigger a mass movement to
combat our climate crisis. The climate crisis touches everyone, everywhere. Live
Earth is about motivating people in every corner of the planet to 'Answer the
Call' and make meaningful and lasting changes in their lives to combat global

Climate change expert Dr Michael Molitor explained how all the Live
Earth concerts around the world will be as green as possible, implementing new
Green Event Guidelines that organisers hope will become the model for
carbon-neutral concerts and other live events in the future. "The key message of
Live Earth is that everyone can — and must — be a part of the solution," said
Molitor. "Everyone can take simple measures that will greatly assist the global
effort to reduce carbon emissions. Live Earth is driving global awareness about
the solutions and engaging people around the world to undertake personal action
both at home and at work."


Anonymous said...

haha did you find me reply!?

this is quite fun.

Also, how are you changing your life i am very interested to hear - are you going to cut down your use of febreeze to only once every second day?

Are you getting rid of your car? oh wait...

token tim said...

Thankyou Sarah, but i've decided to use solar energy recahrge on my batteries for my vibrators thanks very much.

hiedistar said...

i love the way you profess there have been environmental changes in your life but then the next post down shows you roaring around on quad bikes and LOVING IT.