I found a passion for Quad Biking that I never knew I had

I found joy in looking at incredible sunsets

I found my F**khead!

We found a cool guy called Finn, who let us join him for dinner

I found interesting pics when I walked into the girls loo's at Annies

I found Big E... He found Liz..

I found my refelction!

I found out of Louise at Supercuts that you should never mix Henna and Peroxide

I found Terry The Crocodile... AND RAN!

I found my long lost son, Uluru the Kangaroo
I found Darren Hanlon, Sarah Blasko and Holly Throsby very entertaining, despite the cold!

We found Rocky the rock wallaby as we ate Nibbles watching the sun go down

Kendall found Glenn... who turned out to be our awesome tour guide!

I found some funny graffiti

I found that Aitken has some top new friends - like Bec (pictured) &Nerida & James & Jess!

I found that Neisha from Annies can double really well!

I found 3 awesome chicks to travel with!

I found a restaraunt that's owned by Madonna's Uncle! Pasquale Ciccone!

I found a half blind camel... and rode it!

We found Cyclone Kit... and he was GORGEOUS!

I found out where Aitken works!

We found out the the girls at Annies sure know how to drink!

I found that I'm immune to the Kendall Travel Bug!

I found Aitken's fave swimming hole

I found Tina Turnon... a cock in a frock on a rock!
And don't worry - There's more pix to come!!!
hey what was that text last night
Awesome pix Timmeh, you look smashing on that rock!
nice post. but in the camel riding pic i cant figure out who is more excited - you or that half-blind, one-humped guy?
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